Operator Forms
Goods Vehicles
There are many forms that operators will require at some point during their career within the industry. However, hard copies of many of these forms are no longer available as more and more operators are required to make an application online, especially where licensing is concerned.
In the case of the forms detailed below, there is a brief overview of each with a link to download the same from within the Transports Friend website, which can be done by either clicking on the image, or direct from the .Gov website by using the text link provided. All forms are in either pdf or word format.
TIR Application Forms
Many of the forms have now been replaced with online applications. These forms relate to those operators who undertake the international transport of goods under the cover of TIR Carnets. These forms are for certification of the vehicle(s) that you as an operator require to be covered and which fulfill the technical requirements as laid down.

TIR Form GV62
The GV62 form has now been replaced by an online application, so please DO NOT submit any paper documents as they will be rejected by the Traffic Commissionaires Office.
Please apply to https://www.gov.uk/manage-vehicle-operator-licence
TIR Form GV65
The GV65 form has now been replaced by an online application, so please DO NOT submit any paper documents as they will be rejected by the Traffic Commissionaires Office.

TIR Form GV69
This GV69 form has now been replaced with online services from the .Gov website
TIR Form GV204
This GV204 form has now been replaced with online services from the .Gov website
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/variation-certificate-covering-changes-to-an-authorised-design-type-of-road-vehicle-load-compartment-application-form-gv204Operator licensing forms

Transfer of Operating Centres (Schedule 4) GV72
This form has now been replaced with online services from the .Gov website
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/transfer-of-operating-centres-schedule-4-gv72Details of Transport Manager to be Named on a Licence - (TM1)
This form has now been replaced with online services from the .Gov website

Maintenance Agreement - (GOL 6)
This form has now been replaced with online services from the .Gov website