Import & Export Freight Clearance
For all companies and drivers who require Import or Export Freight clearance prior to departing/entering the UK, it is imperative that documentation is in order and that vehicle(s) have been customs cleared to proceed. Failure to do so will undoubtedly result in complex problems later in the journey.
For drivers heading to the EU, the Freight Clearance Facility should be their first port of call and can be found at Dover Western Docks. |
Export Freight Clearance
If a load requires customs export clearance, the driver should not enter Eastern Docks but proceed directly to Dover Western docks Freight Clearance Facility before travelling, which is clearly signposted.
Import Freight Clearance
If a load requires customs import clearance, the driver should not continue the journey onto the UK road network but proceed directly to Dover Western docks Freight Clearance Facility before travelling.
At both Eastern and Western Docks, there is a Freight Services Agency (FSA) that will assist if there are problems with the vehicle(s) load, they also offer other services for vehicles and drivers (see below).
FSA - Eastern Docks
The Freight Services Agency (FSA) at Eastern Docks operates a range of practical services designed to make your use of the port as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Available 24 hours a day, 364 days a year, the FSA offers a package of support services at the Ferry Terminal (Eastern Docks).
Transhipment Service
Full vehicle-to-vehicle transhipment services including frozen and chilled goods handling with temperature-controlled facilities, offloads, re-stows and load lifting, plus forklift truck hire.
Dynamic Axle Weigher
Instant weight read-outs or certified tickets. The facility is self-service and free of charge unless a weight ticket is required in which case a small charge is made. All enquiries should be made at the FSA bay office.
24-hour self-service Truckwash for all vehicle sizes. Tokens are available from the Motis Freight Clearance and Truck Stop Facility, Western Docks – see the image location below.
FSA - Western Docks
There are many 24-hour services available from the FSA at the Freight Clearance Facility Western Docks. For all driver requirements, visit Freight Clearance Centre Western Docks, Lord Warden Square, Dover, CT17 9DH
Customs Clearance
The port of Dover has replaced its Clearway Community System Provider (CSP) with the Pentant CusLink Inventory System for clearance of all third-country freight.
On its launch, Pentant became one of four CSP systems in the UK and CusLink now processes over 2.5 million customs entries a year at Dover, Europe’s busiest ferry port. Of the 2m freight vehicles passing through the port each year, over 100,000 are customs cleared through the port’s freight services agency. Some 30 freight agents are linked to the CSP system, enabling them to process more than 45,000 import vehicles and 60,000 export vehicles a year, which in turn create about 200,000 import and export clearances.
In the first major change to a major port’s CSP system for some time, the migration from the Clearway process commenced on 4 January 2012.
Useful Links
The following links assist users at Dover Western Docks.
Motis -
Dover Port -
Harbour Shipping -