Mobile Cranes
Special Types (General Order 2003) STGO defines a mobile crane as/or where:
- A motor vehicle that is specially designed or built to carry out lifting operations that cannot safely be carried out by a motor vehicle or trailer, and which complies with Construction & Use (C&U) Regulations, Authorised Weight (AW) Regulations and Goods Vehicle Type Approval Regulations
- The gross weight exceeds 12,000 kg per axle
- A motor vehicle that has a crane permanently mounted as part of the vehicle chassis design (the definition excludes lorry-mounted cranes)
- It is operated by the driver or other person riding on it
- It complies with Part 4 of Schedule 1 of the Vehicle Excise & Registration Act 1994, as a mobile crane
A mobile crane which does not meet all these criteria may be defined as an engineering plant.
Category A:
- The maximum gross weight of 20,000 kg on 2 axles
- The maximum gross weight of 30,000 kg on 3 axles
- The maximum gross weight of 36,000 kg on 4 axles
- Maximum of 4 axles
- Maximum of 11,500 kg on a single-driving axle
- Maximum of 10,000 kg on a single non-driving axle
Speed limits:
- Motorway - 60 mph
- Dual carriageway - 50 mph
- Other roads - 40 mph
Category B:
- The maximum axle weight of 12,500 kg
- The maximum gross weight of 12,500 kg multiplied by the number of axles
Speed limits:
- Motorway - 50 mph
- Dual carriageway - 45 mph
- Other roads - 40 mph
Category C:
- The maximum axle weight of 16,500 kg
- The maximum gross weight of 16,500 kg multiplied by the number of axles: up to a maximum of 150,000kg
Speed limits:
- Motorway - 40 mph
- Dual carriageway - 35 mph
- Other roads - 30 mph
Mobile cranes with a gross weight of more than 80,000 kg - but not exceeding 150,000 kg - must give:
- 2 days notice to the police authority
- 5 days notice to the road and bridge authorities
Vehicles weighing under 80 tonnes must give 2 days notification to the roads and bridges authorities.
Those between 80 and 150 tonnes must give:
- 2 days notice to the police authority
- 5 days notice to the roads and bridges authorities
Vehicles over 150 tonnes need to give special notification, which means:
- 5 days notice to all authorities
- 10 weeks consultation time with the owners of structures such as bridges and tunnels that have weight restrictions
If the STGO vehicle is over 3.05 metres, you need to tell the police authority regardless of the weight of the vehicle.
Vehicle Excise Duty
A mobile crane is taxable in the ‘special vehicle’ class (sub-category mobile crane) at the same rate as the basic goods vehicle.
Plating and Testing
Since May 2018, mobile cranes are no longer exempt from the plating and testing regulations.
Drivers’ Hours and Tachograph Regulations
Drivers of mobile cranes do not have to follow EU drivers’ hours and tachograph regulations or GB domestic drivers’ hour’s rules. This is because they’re not carrying goods or passengers by road. If goods were carried then the normal rules would apply. You can find out more in the guide to Drivers’ hours and tachographs rules: goods vehicles (GV262)
Driving Licence
Drivers of mobile cranes must have a driving licence with a Category C vocational licence qualification.
Other Conditions
Mobile cranes must be fitted with an amber illuminating beacon, they cannot draw a trailer, and must not carry any goods or burden (except if used for or to help to lift).