Tachographs & Analysis | WTD
Tachograph Analysis
Tachograph analysis is a service that you will need to carry out, there are many in today's marketplace but some of the best offers, one of the most robust solutions which include a very comprehensive reporting service is ClockWatcher from Aquarius IT.
Aquarius IT announce ClockWatcher ELITE, and without a doubt at the very cutting edge of Drivers' Hours compliance. Guy Reynold says. Our a new generation of software for operators now managers even more with all areas of compliance and driver and vehicle management covered.
Whether you have a fleet of vehicles spread across the country or you are an owner-driver, this is one of the better solutions tested by Transports Friend.
As well as providing a thorough analysis of driver data under Drivers' Hours and Working Time, the Aquarius system also fully analyses your vehicle records, giving a graphical representation of any driving undertaken with and without a Tachocard card but there is much more to uncover.
Aquarius IT is an approved IT supplier for Earned Recognition and ClockWatcher ELITE will provide all of the Earned Recognition related reports you need.
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