Working Time Record Keeping

Your employer is required to keep a record of your working time. Tachograph records may also be used to record working time records and it is always important that you record activities accurately.

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to keep other types of records in addition to the tachograph. For example, timesheets or clocking in/out data will provide data to calculate working time.

If tachographs are not used as working time records, then another type of accurate record must be kept by your employer.

Reference Periods

Whether you choose to use the government default periods or choose to enter into a workforce agreement is a decision that you alone can take, in the best interests of your operation. However, whatever periods you decide upon, the process of calculation will undoubtedly remain the same.

Maintaining Records

Maintaining records for working time should be undertaken in the same manner in which vehicle or staff records are kept, in a logical and easy to access manner. However, if you decide to maintain records electronically, we would advise:

  • Keep 'hard copy' data in A4 folders marked with what it applies to; ie, WTD Data from date to date.

Calculating WTD Data

As we've explained previously, it isn't necessary for you to worry about undertaking your own WTD calculations, you can use the services of an outside source, such as a tachograph analysis company to do it for you. It makes sense to utilise your tachograph analysis company as they already hold data records of your driver activity.